Today we have said goodbye to our first work team. It has been a wonderful and tiring 10 days. They were very enjoyable to work with; they were fun, had great attitudes and were very willing to work. Things that were accomplished: the roof on the pastor's house was fixed - minus the tiles, the downstairs bathrooms for future teams were installed and are in working order, and the church sanctuary was painted. In addition to all the physical labor they also held a men's Bible study in Cuernavaca, visited and contributed to our church plants in Coapa and Xochimilco, and held a successful VBS here at Tizoc. I would say that at least 80 kids, and some parents had the gospel shared with them through the VBS. Isaiah 55:11 says: "It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I sent it." Some of the children may become regulars, most will not - but the word of God has been planted, and God says it will produce fruit.
The thing that I learned through the time I spent with them, although not directly related to their work is: we need to include God in every aspect of our lives.
On Thursday we went to the pyramids. Before we got out of the bus, everyone was told to put on sunscreen. I didn't bring any, and I had visited the pyramids sans sunscreen before, and not really gotten burnt, so I didn't ask anyone if I could use any. My experience without sunscreen had been good, so I assumed I didn't need it. I was wrong. I got burned, and it has probably been the most painful and serious burn I have had in a long time. This reminded me of how often we don't include God in our lives when things are going well. We either don't think about it, or when reminded, we don't think it is necessary because things have been going well without Him.
I have been guilty of this, and it took a sunburn and some other recent events to remind me. Often times we behave just like the Israelites, and only call out to God when we are being persecuted, in exile, or going through hard times. God allowed these things to happen to bring the Israelites back to Him, just like I am sure He allows things to happen to us to remind us to put Him in control of our lives. Wouldn't it be so much better if we included Him from the start? We may go through hard times, but at least we would be certain that we are in the center of God's will, and He is there with us, helping and guiding us. Every morning the team would pray and include God in their day and their work. As a result they accomplished a lot, no one got sick or hurt, and they had an impact on people's lives. I am learning to put this into practice. I don't want to be involved in anything without including God, first.
I thank God for the team, and all the work they accomplished, as well as for providing me with the experience that has reminded me to include God.
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